Good Environmental Choice

Good Environmental Choice is the SSNC’s own environmental certification system. The eco labeling makes it easier to find the products and services that are least harmful to the environment.

Together we make difference!

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About us

Do you want to know what Good Environmental Choice means and what environmental benefit it provides by choosing eco-labeled?

logo Bra Miljöval

Our logotype

Here are all the Good Environmental Choice logos and instructions on how the label can be used in communication.

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Our labeling areas

Bra Miljöval Briobränsle


Biofuels are a broad area that includes everything from charcoal and fire lighters to biogas and vehicle fuel.

Ikon Bra Miljöval Bilförsäkringar

Car insurance

Choosing an eco-labeled insurance for a car means a big environmental effort. High demands are placed on the insurance company's environmental work, how they manage insurance premiums and work to prevent damage.

Bra Miljöval kemiska produkter

Chemical products

Whether you are cleaning your kitchen, waterproofing your shoes or washing your car, there is a risk that you are exposing yourself and the environment to harmful chemical substances. Good Environmental Choice review all the ingredients included in the product.

ikon, kosmetika, märkningsområde, produktområde, verksamhetsområde


It is difficult to keep track of all the ingredients in the most common kinds of cosmetic products. When you wash your hair, shave or apply make-up, there is a risk that you are exposing yourself and the environment to harmful chemical substances. Good Environmental Choice review all the ingredients included in the product..

ikon Bra Miljöval Fjärrvärme

District heating

The way we heat our homes has a major impact on the environment. District heating labelled Good Environmental Choice requires wood fuel to come from environmentally sound forestry, and forest of high conservation value to be protected from harvesting.

Ikon Bra Miljöval Elenergi


There is a difference between renewable electricity and ecolabelled electricity. Through the ecolabelling of renewable electricity, we reduce the negative environmental impact of renewable electricity generation and increase energy efficiency so that our energy use is reduced.

Ikon Bra Miljöval Godstransporter

Goods transports

An environmental label for heavy goods transport that meets stringent requirements in terms of energy efficiency and emissions that are harmful to health and the environment, and has a low climate impact.

ikon, livsmedelsbutik

Grocery shop

Good Environmental Choice Grocery Shop sets high standards and is a label for pioneering stores that want to lead the way. Ecolabelled shops can demonstrate that an independent party has reviewed their environmental work. Together we can make a difference.

Ikon Hem- och Villaförsäkring

Home-, house insurance

Choosing an ecolabelled insurance policy is a major win for the environment. High standards of environmental work are expected from the insurance companies, including how they manage insurance premiums and work to prevent damage.

Ikon Bra Miljöval Budtransporter

Local freight transport

Courier transport (light goods) labelled with Good Environmental Choice has a low climate impact and low emissions of substances that are harmful to health and the environment.

mobil, mobilabonnemang, mobiltelefon, elenergi, elförbrukning, metaller, brytning, grön, ikon, miljömärkning, märkningsområde

Mobile subscriptions

Our use of mobile phones places strains on the environment that are difficult for us to grasp as users. These include energy consumption, resource consumption, chemical dispersion and other environmental aspects that are often invisible to consumers.

Ikon Bra Miljöval Persontransport

Passenger transport

A trip marked with Good Environmental Choice gives a limited climate impact, has low emissions that are hazardous to health and the environment, and contributes to greater consideration being given to environmental and social values ​​in the production of vehicles and their fuels.

gdpr, digital, EU,

How we process personal data

The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation

gen, logotyp, logga, ecolabel, ecolabelling

Member of the Global Ecolabel Network

Bra Miljöval is a member of the Global Ecolabel Network (GEN), which is an international network for organizations that work with eco-labeling and work to promote, improve and develop eco-labeling of products and services.